Studio Prof. Marchetti manufactures and distributes geotechnical and geophysical testing equipment for soil investigations. The Flat Dilatometer (DMT) provides accurate estimates of the soil modulus, undrained shear strength in clays, friction angle in sands and stress state and stress history parameters (OCR, Ko). The tool is particularly effective in penetrable soils where stratigraphy, deformability, horizontal stress and stress history are critical for design.

The SDMT enables direct real time measurements of shear wave velocity (Vs), the evaluation of the small strain shear modulus (Go or Gmax) and estimates of the compression wave velocity (Vp). The SDMT is available also in combination with CPT systems of Geomil and GoudaGeo, named SDMT Cone. The most recent innovation is the fully automated Dilatometer (Medusa DMT) available also in the seismic version (Medusa SDMT), employable onshore and also offshore up to over 1000 m water depth. The Dilatometer Test is currently used in over 84 Countries.