
ICE Publishing

ICE Publishing

ICE Publishing is a leading provider of information for researchers and practitioners worldwide in the fields of civil and environmental engineering and materials science.

Established in 1818, the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) is an influential professional membership body and registered charity. It provides unrivalled support to its 95,000 civil engineer members around the world.  

Our wide range of journals, archives and books provide real world impact and a gold-standard reference point for industry and academia. They make up the most comprehensive civil engineering portfolio in the world.   

The ICE Virtual Library hosts all of ICE Publishing’s e-content including:

  • 35 peer-reviewed journals (28 with SJR rankings, 20 in Web of Science Core Collection) publishing over 1,400 new papers each year
  • Archives with over 36,000 online papers dating back to 1836
  • Over 1,500 eBooks in 13 subject-specific collections, representing the most comprehensive eBook collection in the world, with over 398,000 pages.

ICE Publishing is part of Thomas Telford Ltd, of which ICE is the sole shareholder. All Thomas Telford Ltd profits are donated through Gift Aid to ICE, helping it meet its charitable mission to “benefit society and advance the field of civil engineering”